Recently, I wrote about the arguments in favour of legislating to make
cyclists have to wear cycle helmets. Doing so got me thinking about a sport
which, unlike cycling, doesn’t also double as a gentle recreational pursuit.
It’s a sport with an illustrious history dating all the way back to the
original Olympics of Ancient Greece, but it’s one which is fraught with all
manner of issues – and it certainly isn’t gentle. What am I talking about? Why,
none other than the noble art or, depending on your viewpoint, licensed
thuggery that is boxing.
Boxing has been with us for centuries and now permeates our everyday
language to such an extent that I sometimes feel that we must all be pugilists.
Phrases like ‘it’s time to step up to the mark’, ‘he’s on the ropes’ and ‘he’ll
have to take this one on the chin’ all come from boxing. We use them now
without even knowing where they come from. Granted, if we think about it we can
all hazard a guess at what ‘on the ropes’ and ‘taking it on the chin’ mean, but
how many of us understand the provenance of ‘stepping up to the mark’? For the
record, my understanding is that it’s a reference to a line – a mark – drawn on
the ground, either side of which two prize-fighters would stand before the
commencement of hostilities.
That was way back when, before the codification of boxing by the
Marquess of Queensberry in 1867. Since then, what was always a brutal sport –
where initially fighters would simply trade blows until there was just one man
left standing – has become more sanitized, especially in the amateur ranks,
where headguards are compulsory and doing battle is confined to three
two-minute rounds. But regardless of whether the Queensberry Rules are applied
in the professional fight game or amid the amateur divisions, there is no
escaping one simple fact: boxing is about the intentional infliction of
violence by one human being on another.
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Photo courtesy of ronnie44052 via Creative Commons |
To be a good boxer, you need to be able to hit your opponent as hard and as painfully as possible. For this reason, people die in boxing matches or a few days after them. The former middleweight world champion Alan Minter is a popular and respected British sportsman, but in 1978 his knock out of Angelo Jacopucci in a twelve-round title fight led to the latter’s death a few days later. Three years ago, the Korean boxer Yo-Sam Choi was killed despite actually winning a world flyweight title. He was punched to the canvas (or ‘dropped’, as boxers have it) with five seconds of his fight against Heri Amol remaining. Choi beat the count and won the fight, but collapsed while still in the ring after the bout. He was rushed to hospital, where he underwent brain surgery, only to die just over a week after the fight.
Jacopucci and Choi are far from the only men to have died thanks to
boxing. Others have sustained terrible brain injuries; even the best of them
all, Muhammed Ali, is now a shadow of his former ebullient self. It is
impossible not to conclude that Ali’s Parkinson’s Disease is a consequence of his
years in the ring, while other boxers of decidedly more journeyman status end
up with damaged cervical spines thanks to the repeated whiplash of being
punched in the face.
Is it right that a civilised society continues to allow boxing? When we
look at the damage caused by the so-called noble art, should we really endorse
governmental proposals to bring it back into schools, because it is somehow
‘character-forming’? Ask any neurosurgeon if he would allow his son (or
daughter!) to take up boxing and the answer is predictable, as such
professionals know how easy it is to damage the brain. Is it right that our taxes should go towards
treating those who consensually batter one another?
When asked about this particular
issue, the chief executive of Headway, Peter McCabe, said, “Headway supports
the British Medical Association’s view that Boxing should be banned. The
evidence is overwhelming that repeated blows to the head causes chronic brain
injury. Anyone taking up boxing is needlessly risking their health.”
The Times sports writer Simon Barnes perennially voices his
antipathy to boxing. I confess I hadn’t thought it through in great detail
before, but now that I have I find it very hard to disagree with him. What do
you think? Should boxing be banned, or should we accept it, as, for one reason
or another, has been the case for centuries?